Poet, Playwright, Workshop Facilitator
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Welcome to daily nature photo and creative writing blog, #NewThisDay

Welcome to my daily nature photo blog

Writing from My Photo Stream ~ Kelly DuMar


#NewThisDay Writing From My Photo Stream

Charles River morning view

Charles River morning view

I cannot find a pair of dry shoes. So, I wear wet ones, and we walk in the woods where the maples are going bright red. My weekly writing group starts early, so I wake early and finish my preparation so that I can really appreciate a long ramble. In the afternoon I hear from a journal, DeLuge – they want to publish two of the three Charles River photos I submitted, and so I’m pleased I will see them in print. I lead two writing groups today; one morning, one evening; one in person, one online. Both are deep, rich, intimate. In the morning group, we write together from the prompt I created from a poem by Cecily Parks: Girlhood.


was when I slept in the woods
bareheaded beneath jagged
stars and the membranous
near-misses of bats, when
I tasted watercress,
wild carrot, and sorrel,
when I was known
by the lilac I hid beside,
and when that lilac, burdened
by my expectations of lilacs,
began a journey
without me. . . .
— Excerpt from "Girlhood," by Cecily Parks

Fill in the blanks, using your own spontaneous verbs, nouns, adjectives. . . to describe a real or figurative “age” you experienced – following each prompt, using details with specifics of tastes, smells, colors, sounds, feelings, and especially action words – what did you do (what specific actions did you take?) during this age, who or what did you meet, and then what unexpected thing happened next?


Girlhood. . . was when I. . .

Dreamtime. . . was when I. . .


Escapehood. . . was when I. . .


Hungertime. . . was when I. . .


Sexytime. . . was when I. . .


Rebelhood. . . was when I. . .


Wallflowerhood. . . was when I. . .


Nomadtime. . . was when I. . .  


Witchingtime. . . was when I. . .


Losttime. . . was when I . . .


Conquerhood. . . was when I. . .

Kelly DuMarComment