Poet, Playwright, Workshop Facilitator
Sunflower Opening.jpg


Welcome to daily nature photo and creative writing blog, #NewThisDay

Welcome to my daily nature photo blog

Writing from My Photo Stream ~ Kelly DuMar


#NewThisday Writing From My Photo Stream

The mallard males ascending the brook after their morning conference. This is the only photo I could get this morning. It was cloudy and dull in the woods and the sun didn’t shine on the brook or the river. Charlie joined me. I felt quiet. I woke up and wrote a draft of a poem for tomorrow but it’s quite weak and I am not at all sure it’s worth working on. So, I just need to let it be a learning process. We had a family council in the tent, early afternoon. It was like a sauna, as my son had a great fire going. But for the first time we unzipped all the windows and let the birdsong in with the fresh, warm air. It’s a different kind of room with the windows open. I could see a bit of the river through the trees. Brittany came into the tent for the first time with us. Charlie came, after he wiped off his feet. Tonight Frank and I went to our friends’ house for a casual dinner with new friends. A delightful conversation. Tonight, Wave home. Sigh. All is right in the world for this hour with him beside me.

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